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We are honored you have made the choice to become a patient of Dr Bock. To ensure the best treatment and experience, please take the next steps and fill out our New Patient Packet. Included in this downloadable and printable PDF is everything you will need upon your initial visit with Dr Bock whether you are in our award winning clinic or meeting virtually using our video or telephone services. 


Initial Consultation Check List​​ For New Patients


All new patients should arrive at least 30 minutes ahead of their scheduled start time.


Patient parking is along the north and west sides.


Our office is situated in the middle of the building. 


All online patient forms and medical records need to be filled out in their entirety and submitted at least 72 hours before the initial consultation visit.



  • New Patient Packet (Online)

    • ​New Patient Form

    • Medical Requests Records

    • Personal Medical Write Up
      (A write up about yourself in chronological order)

    • Anything else you think the doctor needs to see. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: All documents need to be filled out in their entirety and submitted at least 72 hours before the appointment. If someone is unable to fill the required forms out and need assistance, please contact us as soon as possible. 1-845-876-0300.



Is Dr. Bock accepting new patients?

​Yes, our office is currently accepting new patients. To get started contact us to set up your initial appointment.


How long is the initial consultation? 

The initial consultation can be up to an hour and a half long. 


​What happens during the initial consultation?

  • ​Dr. Bock will go over all of your new patient packet.

  • Review your medical records.

  • Perform a complete physical.

  • Prescribe a treatment protocol.


How much does it cost?

The cost of visits both in office and virtual are based on the following:

  • Time spent with the doctor.

  • Time the doctor needs to review your documents.

  • Time spent preparing your treatment plan.


*Please note that this does not include the costs of any supplements, therapies or treatments we offer.


Do you take insurance?

No, our office does not currently take any forms of insurance. The cost for all visits, supplements, treatments and therapies is paid up front.


Can I get reimbursed for anything from my insurance?

We will provide you with a superbill that you can submit to your insurance for any reimbursement that may be available to you from your insurance company. Whatever your insurance will reimburse you for seeing a doctor that is out of network that is what you get back. If you are relying on insurance we suggest you speak with them before scheduling an appointment.

Call Us Now: 1-845-876-0300

Monday                    9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday                  10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday              9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday                  9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday                        9:00 am - 3:00 pm*


*Scheduling and Supplements only (THERE IS NO CLINIC)

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© 2022 Steven J Bock, MD PLLC.

ADDRESS: 187 East Market Street
Suite 169 Rhinebeck, NY 12572

TELEPHONE: 1-845-876-0300

CareCredit Resources

From 3/1–5/31, 2022, your patients or clients can open and use a new CareCredit credit card account to earn a $50 gift card with purchase(s) totaling $200 or more, or a $100 gift card with purchase(s) totaling $1,000 or more. Registration required.

For more information on how to start your own CareCredit account and receive these valuable savings, click the link below to go to our CareCredit Page and start the signup process now. Click Here

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